The Day I Met Whitney Cummings

…. I’ve been manifesting this for years


It’s been a week since I met Whitney Cummings, and I’m still processing this magical night.

I’m not sure the first time I listened to Whitney, but I recall listening to her podcast, Good For You, as soon as it was released in 2019. I had just stopped drinking and needed someone to talk to (listen to) as I was spending a lot of time alone.

Her first episode with Dan Levy is hilarious, and the second episode with Dave Grohl, ANOTHER EPIC HUMAN WHO I HOPE TO MEET ONE DAY, sealed the deal.

I’ve been listening to her podcast consistently for 5 years.

In September 2017, she released her memoir, I’m Fine and Other Lies. If you haven’t read it, you’re seriously missing out. I’ve read this book multiple times and always crack up the entire time. She also talks about personal development in a unique way that doesn’t feel fluffy or fake—just honest, and I love that about her.

Speaking of personal development, over the years of my sobriety, I’ve done several (hundred) personal development exercises where people would ask, “Who’s your hero?” and she would be the first person that comes to mind. I just like her and think she’s hilarious.

After I met her, I had a super powerful realization about why I’ve used drugs and alcohol in the past. I’ll share more below.

She’s the first person, besides my therapist, that I’ve heard talk about Love Addiction. Even though I don’t love the term, it’s pretty much what it sounds, and it’s something that I had to navigate after I quit drinking alcohol. When I was working with both a coach and a therapist, they put me on a “dude detox” and omg and it was so hard.

For a long time, I had super short yet intense relationships that would end poorly, and after the last one a few years ago, I decided I would never do that again. I checked myself into an amazing treatment center, took several weekend intensives with therapists, and made a plan.

I love that Whitney talks about trauma, addiction, and all of the VERY REAL things, but not in a depressing way. She makes it funny. And real. And I love that about her.

Saturday Afternoon: The Day Everything Changed

That day started like any other Saturday. I went to the gym, took my dog to Three Dog Bakery on the Plaza, bought way too many treats, and then stopped at Paper Source for a new journal. They didn’t have my favorite one from Fringe, so I scooted over to Barnes & Noble and got an epic neon one.

Leading up to this Saturday, I had asked a few friends if they wanted to join me to see my hero - most of them were busy, and I did tell a few of my friends that I was scared to go because … as they say “never meet your heroes”.

My bf asked me a second time if I wanted to go, and finally I decided I would attend. I was already feeling the excitement, and shortly after I left the Plaza, I saw on her IG stories THAT SHE WAS THERE TOO. At that moment, I thought, “Wow I actually might meet her."

While waiting in line for the show, I posted a story on Instagram and tagged her. After the opener, Kevin, finished his hilarious set, I checked my phone and saw that WHITNEY HAD REPOSTED MY STORY:

Her set was incredible, filled with her signature wit and humor, and she keeps getting funnier, I swear!

Is it weird that I’m grateful I love stand-up comedy so much? I used to go all the time, even when I was drinking. Honestly, I was that drunk girl in the crowd more than once. (Apologies to everyone at the Funny Bone in Des Moines 2010-2012.)

After the show, Whitney hosted a meet & greet with everyone there. This photo only shows a few of the dozens of people lined up to see her.

Whitney being cool af talking to all her fans

As I approached her, I felt a mix of nerves & excitement, but I was determined to play it cool. Here’s what I recall of our conversation:

“Hi! Will you sign my book?” - Me

“Yes, I saw your Instagram!!” - Whitney freaking Cummings

“Thank you so much, Whitney! Here, let’s take a pic.”

****Takes 800 selfies***

“What’s your name?” - Whitney

“Michelle with 2 l’s.” - Me

***Whitney Cummings is signing my book***

“Dude, you’re amazing, thank you so much.” - Me

We locked eyes and had a legit moment—not in a creepy way, just in a woman-to-woman, life-is-hard-but-we’re-here-for-each-other way. I’m also pretty sure I touched her leg like on purpose to be like YAY FRIENDS but now looking back on it next time I meet a hero I will not touch their leg.

Depsite the weird leg touch, she said -

“Thank you, Mama. This means so much to me. Seriously.”

I walked outside and couldn’t stop crying, I was so happy! I shared another story with a photo of us together, and she REPLIED AND SAID, “Love you ❤️”


*Crying* "I’m so happy!”

Post Meet I was shaking and full of adrenaline and realized something strange, I am uncomfortable with feeling this much joy.

I was sobbing & shaking, saying “I am so happy dude!!!” This was probably really confusing for my boyfriend, because most people (idk maybe not) would be jumping up and down and happy. Nope, I cry. I’m a crier. SUE ME.

And through all of this, I noticed my thoughts of “have a drink” or “you need something to numb this”. It was interesting, of course, I don’t listen to thhose thoughts but they were pretty clear.

Something like that has only happened to me another time and it was when I saw The Eras Tour in a movie theatre. I was so full of joy my body didn’t know what to do with it. And one of the first thoughts I had was to drink/do drugs. This is vulnerable, and it’s true.

It was uncomfortable for me to experience pure joy.

And it leads me to think, how often are we doing this in our day-to-day lives? How much do we subconsciously (or consciously) not allow ourselves to be happy because we don’t know how to hold the feelings?

What I learned from this experience is that I’m going to allow myself to be happier, more.

When someone gives me a compliment instead of saying, “no I suck” I’m going to say thank you. And feel it.

And when I feel happiness or joy and I want to text a friend, eat a bagel, or listen to a song, I’m going to just sit still. And feel it.

Meeting Whitney Cummings was everything I had dreamed it would be and more.

Her humor, warmth, and epicness reminded me why she’s been such a big influence in my life. This experience will stay with me forever, and I’m grateful for the chance to meet someone so cool!

If you ever get the chance to see her live, do it. You will not regret it.


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